Flag Battles (50 VS 50)
This will be a guild war between two guilds. In order to participate in the Flag Battle, each user must bet a predetermined amount of gold or $METAD.
Fifty guild members each will be placed in one MAP (a dungeon), and they will be free to roam around the dungeon. When users come into contact with each other, the battle will begin, and the losers will leave the event.
There are three flags in the dungeon, and users can occupy a flag by touching it for a certain amount of time. The guild that occupies the most flags during the time limit wins. Also, if one of the guilds occupies all three flags at any point, the victory is confirmed.
The winner of each user versus user will get 80% of the gold, $METAD, spent by the loser. The remaining 20% will be deposited into the guild bank to which you belong. The winners can take the losing guild’s equipped NFTs with the “Colosseum NFT Acquisition Rate” probability rate shown above.
The guild that wins will be rewarded by the Game Master Bank. Rewards will be distributed to each guild member according to the number of enemies defeated and flags occupied, in the following equation:
(Number of enemies you have defeated + Number of flags you have occupied) / (Total number of enemies in your guild + Number of flags occupied by your guild) * Reward from Gamemaster Bank